Have you outgrown the life you're living?

Who I coach
When was the last time you surprised yourself? I mean really took your own breath away, like you did continuously as a kid?
As a creativity coach, I coach people who are ready for the "the gasp" of self-astonishment that was so prevalent and palpable when we were young and wild at heart .
I inherently believe our best selves and core selves arise when we put our imagination in the driver’s seat. There is a rhythm and flow that comes when we partner our passions with possibility; when we, in essence, reconnect to the child inside - which is another way of saying, reconnect to our sense of self -expression and our ability to embrace absolute abandon.
When we live from this emboldened and carefree place joy and connection abound. Life just works. And the vision and inspiration we experience in one realm quite naturally transfers to the others. The "blank page" no longer overwhelms us. Instead, risk-taking and new beginnings are daring invitations to bold action.
But to get to the gasp we must first experience "the gulp" – offer ourselves up to the thing, whatever it is, that simultaneously exhilarates and terrifies us. That is where true change lives.
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As a poet, photographer, and filmmaker, among other things, I have confronted many a blank page — and in the process learned to befriend it. I have learned to leap, tuck and curl, to wildly plunge into the unknown, time and time again. I believe you can do the same. Practice makes perfect.
I have a BA degree in Literature and an MFA in Film Production. Before becoming a Certified Professional CoActive Coach,(CPCC) at CTI, I worked as a student advisor, curriculum developer and a program coordinator for twenty-seven years at SF State’s College of Extended Learning. Coaching, Creativity and Collaboration are my hallmarks – my passions.

About Robert
More than any life experience though, being a poet has prepared me for the world of coaching. To be a poet you must be attentive and curious; be ready to listen deeply to and trust your intuition; be open to what is so and then be willing to say what's suddenly there to say. Or to quote the poet, Mary Oliver: be "the doorway...and a silence in which another voice may speak."
When a client seeks out a coach, they in essence are saying yes to the blank page. And when the work begins it is the coach’s job to be a blank page also, to be the space that receives whatever the client comes with.
I look forward to working with you as one blank page to another. Let’s get started. Let's create something from nothing. Let's get you from gulp to gasp! - again and again and again.
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What my clients say​
In this rush of living the various roles we play, working with Robert was like an exfoliation. All the layers and masks I had on were scrubbed away. He took me back to myself. I met myself after a very long time.
Cecily V.
Community Organizer
Robert Martin is a fabulous coach! He was an immense help to me when I was developing a keynote speech. He helped me get to the core of my message and unlock my creative energy.
His insight allowed me to craft my presentation in my authentic voice in a way I had never been able to do on my own. I strongly recommend Robert, his process and his wisdom to anyone trying to develop their creative side.
Aram B.
Leadership Facilitator & Executive Coach
Robert has been my Creativity Coach for a year and a half since my retirement from a full-time career in the auditing world. I sought him out when I decided to write my memoirs, which had been a dormant dream of mine for years.
Robert helped me with my legendary lack of self-discipline and so much more – through his light but steady touch, a simple motivating structure that I could I easily follow and his insightful critiques of my draft chapters.
Because of Robert I am now a more disciplined writer and have made significant progress on my memoirs, which is some kind of a miracle. I highly recommend him as a Creativity Coach.
Mary B.
Medical Auditor
How I can help you
I will be your advocate and ally. Through deep inquiry, goal setting and inspired action you will:
Rekindle dormant passions
Access courage through powerful insights
Develop heart-centered action plans that are manageable and enlivening
Maintain balance and vision when obstacles appear
Use false starts as the impetus for meaningful course corrections
Negotiate unfamiliar territory with confidence and a sense of play
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In all-day workshops you will meet and mix with like-minded people, and together break through the barriers that keep you creatively constricted. Through a series of engaging and cathartic exercises you will:
Confront the inner critics and keep them at bay
Playfully create from the moment
Experiment with different modalities of creativity
Inhabit different voices and embrace audacity
Expand your creative capacity by surrendering to what you don’t know you know
Fear not,
Let's Talk